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Impact of Spread of Infection in the Gym for Your Health

Fitness centers or gyms are almost always synonymous with health. But please note, this favorite place for indoor sports activists can also be a means of spreading bacterial and viral infections. The following effects of the spread of infection in the gym and the right way to avoid it. According to a health study, the fitness center is one of the most common means of spreading bacterial infections. There are at least 25 types of bacteria found in the gym area. Some of these bacteria come from the human body and the environment, including air, soil, dust, and water. In addition to bacteria, fungal and viral infections are also susceptible to occur in the gym environment, you know! The presence of microorganisms is caused by a number of factors, such as lack of personal hygiene of people who exercise and hygiene of facilities in the gym. The spread of this infection can be through contact from person to person or through objects in the gym area, including sports equipment, carpets, mattresses, clothing, towels, or spray faucets on the toilet.

Impact of Spread of Infection in the Gym

The following is the impact of the spread of various microorganisms that can be found in the gym on health:

Bacterial infection

Staphylococcus bacteria are one of the most common bacteria hiding in the gym. This bacterium is generally lodged in the surface of a person's skin. Spread of Staphylococcus infections in the gym generally through contact from person to person or from people and gym equipment. Infection can occur if bacteria enter through a wound in the skin, even though it is a small wound from a shave. The most common effects of this bacterial infection are skin infections such as boils, cellulitis (skin that appears reddish, swollen, and aches when pressed), folliculitis, carbuncles (inflamed large boils), and impetigo. Not only attacks the skin, this bacterium can also cause severe diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis.

Fungal infections

The fungus will thrive in a warm and humid environment, such as shoes or a gym dressing room. The spread of fungal infections is usually due to lack of personal hygiene, for example not changing socks for days or letting the feet damp. The most common effects of fungal infections at the gym are:
  • Water fleas, which are fungal infections that cause symptoms in the form of scaly rashes and itching between the toes.
  • Tinea cruris, which is itching in the back, buttocks, or thighs accompanied by itching and redness and scaly skin.
  • Ringworm, which is a fungal skin disease with a characteristic ring shape on the skin that is reddish and feels itchy, especially when exposed to sweat.

Virus infection

According to research, the spread of infections that often occur is an influenza virus infection that causes flu and colds. These viruses are usually transmitted from person to person, for example when an infected person sneezes or coughs in the gym area. The spread of the virus can be very easy if the gym is not well ventilated. In addition to colds and colds, other possible effects of the spread of viral infections in the gym include:
  • Warts, this occurs due to infection with human papillomavirus (HPV). You can be infected with this virus when you move in the gym bathroom barefoot or touching equipment contaminated with the HPV virus.
  • Herpes, occurs due to herpes virus infection through contact with sufferers, for example sharing the same drinking place. The herpes virus can also spread through physical contact, for example when people with herpes use sports equipment at the gym, then the tool is used by others.

Preventing the Spread of Infection in the Gym

Given the potential transmission of various diseases due to bacterial, fungal, and viral infections at the gym, you need to be vigilant. Take the following preventative steps so that infection does not occur:
  • Use an antibacterial spray or tissue to clean exercise equipment before and after you use it.
  • Avoid borrowing or lending personal items such as towels, clothing, socks, and drinking places to others in the gym.
  • Use footwear when going to the bathroom, sauna room or hot tub in the gym.
  • If you have a wound, cover it with tape before going to the gym.
  • Wash hands with soap and clean water before and after exercising. Avoid touching your face with your hands when you exercise.
  • Wash your socks and workout clothes after exercising.
  • We recommend that you do not exercise in the gym if you are sick, for example when a fever, runny nose, and severe cough.
Of course it's better to prevent than cure. For that, do the precautionary steps above so that the spread of infection in the gym does not occur. Don't forget, eat nutritionally balanced food and adopt a healthy lifestyle. If you want to exercise in the gym, choose a gym that is comfortable and guaranteed clean.


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