Be careful before taking medication. Try to first check whether the drug is still suitable for consumption or has expired. Instead of recovering, taking expired drugs can actually be fatal to health. As with food and drinks, medicines also have an expiration date. Information on the expiration date that is usually printed on this package is usually preceded by writing exp / expiry date / expiry / exp date / use by / use before. If past that date, the drug should not be consumed again. Recognize the Drug Expiration Date Drug manufacturers are required to put an expiration date on the product packaging of all their products. This date is information that the medicine that you are going to take is safe and provides maximum benefit until the stated date. For example, if a drug's expiration month is December 2020, then this drug should not be consumed after 31 December 2020. In addition, sometimes there is also a statement of use by which is printed on the drug packaging. If you ...